Supporting clients
Dive into their greatest potential
My personal mission is for every person to operate at their greatest capacity. I have lovingly been given the designation by my clients as “The Velvet Hammer” . I aim to balance kindness and courageousness to help my clients develop.
My twenty years of business experience is complimentary to the work I do today. I spent half of my career founding and running a social enterprise, and the other half of that as a coach, trainer, and facilitator. I leverage my experience of advocating for a cause, building a brand, and managing diverse teams to support my clients.
Personally, I live in Orinda, CA with my husband Anil, two children: Sachi and Ayan, and two cats: Locke and Barrel. I am a New Ventures West Graduate and have studied Integral Coaching. As one who develops others, I feel it is paramount to develop myself--and I do this through multiple development programs and coaching. I also love nature, and am glad to be surrounded by it everyday.